
Wisteriamoon the Hottest Animal Jas Come to Animal Jam

1 Arctic Wolves

No matter how much hate you are spreading, arctic wolves are the most popular animal and your little "Protest" in that one server won't and cannot change anything.
In fact, most people I've met who hate arctic wolves stereotype them. Yet, "Don't stereotype people, that's rude!"
Don't defy your own damn words, and if you care so much, instead of hating a single animal for existing, you should be appreciating how good AJHQ is at designing animals, or attempt to hold a petition to make sure Animal Jam gets just as much updates as Play Wild, after all, I see why Play Wild exists, too. But I don't hate the original.

I've been playing AJ for 4-5 years now, and I've never really understood why people hate on these animals. Yes, they are highly overrated. Especially in AJ classic, almost all the members have these and yet us non-members are not given the option to have them.

But in all honestly, I think their design is extremely well done, and I don't see why people stereotype players who have these animals as "bad". Maybe some "rich" traders are toxic and all, but why not hate on those players instead of generalizing all artic wolves as toxic?

If you are playing AJPW, artic wolves are available for everyone and not just members and rich players. I've farmed a 100 diamonds in a day simply from the minigames themselves, and 50 diamonds are more than easily achieved if you log in fairly recently.

P.S. unrelated to this topic on artic wolves at all! please try not to hate on players who state that they are "picky with trades". it's completely normal not to be satisfied with your ...more

Arctic wolves are amazing, but for some reason people always seem to think people with them watch YouTube or TikTok a lot, or are edgy. Sort of a weird reason to not like them.

This is unfair, I know everyone just loves the arctic wolves, but what about non-member animals? Everyone treats members like they're lords and they aren't. I'm not saying that all members are spoiled, but many are and hate non-members just because they think they scam to get what they want. Us non-members really hate how we are treated so lowly and it's really unfair how members get all the glory, I would love to see at least one "Best Animal Jam Animals List" say that the regular wolf is the best animal. I'm seriously tired of the members getting worshipped and can at least someone vote for non-member animals like the panda or the turtle? Ugh, I'm so done!

2 Foxes

I personally Love the huskies and German shepherds and the Siamese cats but I really love coyotes. They are so awesome. I also enjoy the eagle bc u can fly which is amazing. Arctic wolf is something I have. Yes it's a bit overrated but it's also awesome. The Arctic cave is the perfect to advertise your stuff. Otters are adorable and cheetahs have this really nice style but lynxes are great! I just love the ears foxes are really cute as always but snow leopards are beautiful. I just LOVE their gracefulness and they are so majestic. The dance is really cool but it's a bit too similar to the maned wolf. In the end. My favorite is the snow leopard. Thanks! I hope my advice is useful

I love the foxes, especially in Play Wild, and my main animal on Play Wild at least (not a member) will probably always be a fox, because they're amazing, even if I get a better animal.

This is from a Play Wild user, so please skip if you don't wanna hear from me.

I regret not buying foxes, after all, the arctic wolves were gonna stay anyways.
And I should have known I would not be going to the cave anyways, because of how unlucky I get.
Of course, I don't regret buying my first animal (A coyote) so there's that.
I just wish I wasn't as wasteful as I was back then.

Why do I see almost every non-member as a fox, eagle, or an arctic wolf I hardly ever see a member as a turtle, tiger, panda, or penguin and it's really unfair. I hate how members and all their items and the animals they get are praised and then there's us, the weirdo newbie non-members who are praised for NOTHING! Gosh, most of you are just so spoiled and selfish. A lot of times I hear non-members upset about how they lost their membership and I'm like, "Well it's not the end of the world you can still have fun without membership." and then they leave. I see members win almost every single round on best dressed just because they have a great animal, and it's so unfair. I mean I still have fun, I just wish it was better.

3 Bunnies

Please skip if you don't like Play Wild players.

I hate stereotyping, but I've conducted a research on bunnies, in Play Wild, of course.
Every single time I'm glitching as a different animal, the bunnies react negatively. Most of them, of course, shaming me for being an arctic wolf. Of course, I told them how they can glitch into the caves, but they weren't having it.
Most of them are young, I assume. I think wolves have appealed to most more "Mature" people, and bunnies are more or less for the younger?
Also, the comments here are incredibly rude. Stop hating on predators, you should be happy AJHQ even made it at all. Speaking of which, why did they decide to add those exact animals?
After all, if you guys have the right to shame animals, I think that arctic wolves and every animal has the right to shame bunnies or whatever animal too, then.
This is why I resent bunny fans, they are incredibly toxic towards people who uses "Trendy" animals or foxes, or any ...more

I didn't really vote on this one to give too much nice things about it, but here we go about it.
I never really liked the people who played as it.
Whine, whine, whine.
" Get out of here! "
I don't like the way they think.
So there's my reason of that.
And I would not be surprised if a big amount also hated it. In my opinion, wolves, foxes, predators are the HECKING best!
But some bunnies are just as regular as others :)
So befriend one and see their regularity today!
( Or not because that's more reasonable and better )

Bunnies are very popular in Jamaa. Bunnies are one of the oldest animals in Jamaa, they were one of the very few animals released in the beta testing stage. Bunnies are very popular when you start of on Animal Jam. Lots of famous jammers start of with bunnies. New coming jammers reeds8 and PinkWillow8 both started of with bunnies. I am not famous but I started with a bunny. To conclude, bunnies are one of the cutest animals in Jamaa.

I've always been a bunny since 2012. They are just too cute! They look really good with a top hat, fox hat, jamaaliday bow and everything looks awesome on it! This should be number 2 due to most non-members playing as them. They are really good to be a child on Animal Jam and I'm just so happy that many people like them.

4 Wolves

Wolves have a mysterious vibe to them, so I question my younger self's sanity when I made it white with pink hearts and a skirt.
I also wonder how wolves could ever be in fourth place. Now, not to sound opinionated, (Of course, having a list of your favorite animals is an opinion, so you really don't have much of a right to hate me for anopinion)
but wolves are a lot better than bunnies. I wouldn't say arctic wolves, because wolves look like they have bad posture, compared to it.
But I guess it baffles me how people are still wolf fans, either way.
For example, arctic wolves are literally a breed.
In animal jam, the only difference is who's posture is better.

I love wolfs and hate arctic wolfs and wolfs are so cool plus they are nonmember and that is just perfect! I really love wolfs and even though I'm a member I normally am a wolf cause I just love wolfs and I real life they are cool to and bunnies hate wolfs so hate bunnies all you good hammers out there! I wish I could say more but I don't have anything else to say exempt they are so mysterious especially Greely and have like a powerful aura and are so cool! I'm a boy and I think wolfs are like the boy nonmember animal and seals and tigers and monkeys to so that's all I can say! My username is jackal 23 and you can buddy me if you want and only like 5 more people can buddy me so you had better hurry! Bye people and thanks for reading this!

I like wolves, you can design them really well and so much non member items go well with them, Imagine a
fox hat, bow and arrow combination it looks great! Don't even start with worns, there just the cherry on top.
Though there good with non member items they don't go well with most member items.. I try nearly everything on ever animal! They have many great things about them but many bad things too, including there dances (in my opinion) that's the worst thing about them. But overall pretty good animal and my 2nd favorite non member animal!

Wolves are one of the oldest animals on Animal Jam. Wolves were sold in the beta testing stage of Animal Jam. Wolves are a non-member animal sold for one-thousand gems. Wolves are one of the most popular animals for non-members and members. There are some very famous jammers that have their main look a wolf, WisteriaMoon is a very famous jammers and is a wolf, lots of people try to imatate her look. You almost cannot go anywhere in Jamaa without seeing a wolf. To sum up, wolves are a very very popular animal in Animal Jam and definitely deserve the number three spot

5 Otters

Otters are the best in my opinion, they can go on land and under water. They dance moves are the most cutest dance I have ever seen.
Why can't other just get other animals, it puts all the other animal availible to waste. I always think to my self when ever I see an artic wolf I ask my self, is there even worth it to have other animals if all they are going to do is get an artic wolf. I have a otter and nothing else.

OTTERS ARE SO SO CUTE! Otters are one of the cutest animals in Jamaa. The otters walk is so cute, their dance is so cute, their sitting action is so cute, and so is their play. Everything about the otters make them a total cutie. Otters are one of my favorite animals and they deserve a higher spot on this list. They are honestly so cute, otters have to be the cutest animal of Jamaa. Otters should have been in the top five animals, but whatever. Overall, otter have to be the cutest animals that were ever released into Jamaa.

Otters... Are... ADORABLE! They are the funny cute animal and are my favorite but I am a non-member so I can't have one... :( I also don't know why no one has really voted for them they are so cute and are aloud to go under-water as well as on land so it is sad not many people choose them to play as.

My sister is mad at me because I got an otter and she didn't because my membership accidentally expired and hers didn't so I got a new one and I got the spring bonus.

6 Cheetahs

Cheetahs are amazing! Cheetahs are not that popular, they really should be. Cheetahs are very majestic and "long". A lot of people get cheetahs and snow leopards, cheetahs are a little bit skinnier and longer than snow leopards, I mean I am not saying that snow leopards are fat, because they are not. Many items look very good on the cheetahs. I believe Aparri's "epic swag look" is a snow leopard or a cheetah. Cheetahs are very easy to express yourself and to make a unique look with. Overall, I think cheetahs deserve a spot in the top ten.

CHEETAHS RULE! Almost all the items look AWESOME on cheetahs, they are popular and cool animals, but yet not as common as arctic wolves, they have a cool play/dance. And the real animal can run fast. PLUS it's a cat which is purrfect (pun intended) for clans. Only thing is that they cost ten diamonds, but hey! Arctic Wolves cost diamonds, and they're number two on this list. Cheetahs forever!

The cheetahs are awesome! They are really cool and have awesome actions. I wish they showed up, and they deserve more popularity. I am yet to find a clothing item that doesn't look got on a cheetah.

Cheetahs are amazing! There play actions is so cool when they run like the flash.Almost all the items look AWESOME on cheetahs, they are popular and cool animals, but yet not as common as arctic wolves, they have a cool play/dance.

7 Snow Leopards

I personally Love the huskies and German shepherds and the Siamese cats but I really love coyotes. They are so awesome. I also enjoy the eagle bc u can fly which is amazing. Arctic wolf is something I have. Yes it's a bit overrated but it's also awesome. The Arctic cave is the perfect to advertise your stuff. Otters are adorable and cheetahs have this really nice style but lynxes are great! I just love the ears foxes are really cute as always but snow leopards are beautiful. I just LOVE their gracefulness and they are so majestic. The dance is really cool but it's a bit too similar to the maned wolf. In the end. My favorite is the snow leopard. Thanks! I hope my advice is useful

This is coming from a play wild player.

So, with the new updates I think snow leopards might become ignored, especially with the new maine coon.
Last time I went to an warrior cats roleplay, snow leopards were non-existent.
This animal is very elegant and all, but I don't think this animal is worth getting. At least, not until you buy the more nicer animals.
For one thing, whenever it sits, it's head is tilting to some way. It annoys me to a medium extent.
And I dislike the patterns on the leopard, at least the arctic wolf had decent patterns.

If you don't know which animal to get, you need to read this.
The Snow Leopard are awesome, everything they do matches my personality. Also, they are way better in clans than any other am animal and they look the most realistic. If you have enough diamonds and still don't know which animal is for you, then the snow leopard is the best choice. They look good with almost everything and they can look tough or cute. They are great for tom-boys. And the snow leopard is way better than the cheetah, they almost look similar but the snow leopard is bigger (not fat) and have a thick pelt, the cheetah stands really low and is really thin. One last thing, the snow leopard's dance moves are so awesome.

Snow leopards are one of the "longest and shortest" animals of Jamaa. I mean I know that the snow leopards are not as popular as some animals, but the snow leopard is one of my personal favorites. One of the reasons I love the snow leopard is that they are so unique so they are perfect for people to express themselves with. Snow leopards are sold in the diamond shop for ten diamonds, at the moment I am saving up for a snow leopard. Even though they are one of my favorite animals they do have some downsides. For one some neck and head items I do not really care for on the snow leopards, it can also be somewhat hard to make a decent look on the snow leopards. Now sometimes people can get cheetahs and snow leopards confused, now I would say that the cheetahs are a little bit longer and skinnier. Overall, I think that the snow leopards deserved a higher spot on the list but these are the reasons why I love the snow leopards. Here is a little side comment, I have made other articles on ...more

8 Eagle

Eagles are one of the best animals in AJ! They are the most majestic out of all the flying animals, and spiked collars and bow and arrows look badass on them.

In my opinion eagles are the best! They are one of the very few flying animals along with the owl and the new falcon. I mean this might be one of the main reasons why I love them but eagles and other flying animals get you amazing prizes from the forgotten desert, I got my rare spikes from it, it can be hard to get spikes from there I mean I have only gotten three from the adventure but it does happen, trust me if you take your time you will get a spike. Moving on, eagles are very majestic and cute. In conclusion eagles are one of the best animals in Jamaa.

The best flying animal! They're absolutely stunning in flight and way too underrated. Put rocker hair and an ancient dragon scarf on your eagle, and you'll be the edgiest animal in town! This is definitely worth your 10 diamonds.

Eagles area little weird,... They're overrated and short spike collars look like noodles on them. People say they're amazing and owls stink, I'm my opinion owls are the best flying animal ( especially when trying to look like bird on) Eagles can be good for looking like some characters. Over all I think the are overrated and items such as short spikes( UGH THE NOODLE SPIKE) and headdresses and other popular items look bad on them.

9 Deer Deer are the ruminant mammals forming the family Cervidae. The two main groups are the Cervinae, including the muntjac, the fallow deer and the chital, and the Capreolinae, including the elk, reindeer, the Western roe deer, and the Eurasian elk.

Deer have to be one of the cutest member animals in all of Jamaa. As most Animal Jam fanatics know, deer are the traveling animal of Jamaa. The deer started traveling on April 14. I know that all of you who read it his after they are done traveling are probably screaming at your screen, and that is why I put the date. But now I will get back to the topic. Lots and lots of items and patterns look really cool and cute on the deer. When I was watching some of th famous jammers videos most went and made deer as soon as they saw the news. I am pretty sure that Aparri, WisteriaMoon, and I know that new coming famous jammer PinkWillow8 did not make a video but she is a close friend of mine and she made a deer. To sum up, deer are a very popular animal and deserve the number five spot on the top five animals list.

I actually like deer, and I'm Totally glad there only 1000 gems and not 10 diamonds, but why do deer always have to go TRAVELLING! Its mega annoying for such a good animal.

Deer are awesome, cause I think just every kind of clothing matches it perfectly. But only because of what I saw, I had an interest on these forest kind animals.

AGREED, I love deer and I hate animals who attack them in animal jam! I don't hate my own wolf, but it's just mean attacking these precious cuties.

10 Llama The llama is a domesticated South American camelid, widely used as a meat and pack animal by Andean cultures since the Pre-Columbian era.

Llamas are my favorite! They're great to use when acting silly or random, even their HOPPING looks funny! Not to mention, they're adorable

I unlike most to be members, will not get an arctic wolf, but will settle for a llama, since the way they dance,play,sleep etc. matches my personality, plus llamas are one of my favorite animals.They look fun and cheery in my opinion

Llamas are cool and there are many interesting facts about them. What surprises me is that they are barely seen around Jamaa

Llamas are so awesome I have about five and there are so many great looks.

The Contenders

11 Raccoon

Raccoons are cute and pretty original looking, but honestly, sometimes I just wonder what look can I even bother to make. There are many themes I can think up for my animals, but raccoons just make me wanna step away. And also, nobody can even get it on play wild, so there's no point in that. Also, nobody wants to adopt a baby raccoon.

I hate that every time you go online to animal jam or ajpw, the only animals you will be seeing are arctic wolves and foxes. Yes, there are tons of animals in animal jam to chose from; but most people only go for the overrated stuff thinking they will be treated like royalty. This is because arctic wolves and foxes often are symbolized as the so called "rare" because items desired by many people such as spikes are often seen on these animals. But here's what I think is rare, originality. I believe the raccoon should be treasured because so few people play as it very often.

They are just so adorable! they can fit almost any item, and they have nicely animated moves. I have no idea why nobody uses them, they are the perfect animal for pet role-play, ( dog and cat kind of stuff )
showing off your rares, and just being causual! In my opinion, this should've been higher on the list!

I'm a raccoon and I love it! Everything looks good on them and they are great for role-play. I also love their play, sleep, and sit actions and the dance is ok. And if you want to gt adopted as a raccoon, you totally can. Raccoons are by FAR the best!

12 Owl Owls are birds from the order Strigiformes, which includes about two hundred species of mostly solitary and nocturnal birds of prey typified by an upright stance, a large, broad head, binocular vision, binaural hearing, sharp talons, and feathers adapted for silent flight.

Although I personally like eagles better in real life, Owls in thins game are better, There easy to design, they look better and just overall better! Eagles are almost impossible to design nothing goes well with them...
I just love eagles and they really let me down when I got one, If your going to get a flying animal.. GET AN OWL :D!

Owls are my favorite flying animal! :D They are so beautiful and I love how they fly! They are also really fun to make looks with and they can be used to play the forgotten desert!
I also really like Falcons, but Eagles are probably my least favorite animal in the game.

My owl is awesome! I can fly have pets and you look good you are kinda nerdy looking but owls are very smart and a good friend to all the forgotten dessert is awesome! definitely worth my 10 diamonds I am iloveanimals22305.

Owls are cute and cuddly in Animal Jam and real life! I am a owl-loving N.M. and I really want one!

13 Arctic Foxes The Arctic fox, also known as the white fox, polar fox, or snow fox, is a small fox native to the Arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere and common throughout the Arctic tundra biome.

Gorgeous and elegant, it's amazing. Of course, I see why arctic wolves were chosen. The head is large and the eyes are too small. I bet I can fit an entire solar system in it.
I wish AJHQ redesigned it, tbh. I dislike how empty it's head is.

I absolutely LOVE arctic foxes! They are so beautiful and fluffy! They are also super fun to make looks with and almost every item looks good on them! I play as my arctic fox all the time! (Well, not as much as my pig or my polar bear)
I personally like arctic foxes better then normal foxes and Arctic wolves. They are so awesome!

I love arctic foxes!
I don't care if they are lower on the list they will still be my fave forever! I definitely think you should get them! well I don't know why they are not in the diamond shop anymore, but I think non members should get a new animal too, and the arctic fox should be it!

Arctic foxes look so ugly in the game. They have so much fur they just look so stupid and fat. Their eyes make them look like spoiled brats (no offense) especially the girl eye. They have WAY TO MUCH fur! They look so dumb! arctic foxes tail is so big and fluffy. Ajhq should've designed arctic foxes much better, they look nothing like they are in the picture above :(

14 Snakes Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears.

Snakes are amazing, but I don't see many people with them, maybe because they think, well it's just a weird old snake, but in truth snakes are really good and even though I couldn't get one, I would like it if people stopped underestimating them

Snakes are very cool animals and I think that some outfits would look amazing on a snake. For an example the princess dress would look so funny. I'm sure if you play animal jam and have completed the journey book, then you have seen the kimbara outback snake. it is an awesome animal.

There is a slight chance that snakes could come to Jamaa. This animal has been requested many times by some Jammers. Maybe even bats could come to Jamaa too. Who knows?

Izzie103 here! Snakes can be scary I am a lil upset tho bc I gave my friend my rattlesnake and they lost it :(.by the way I have seen snakes a lot. But there has been the animal and the pet but here are reasons why they should be near the top of the list:
Some are cute
The scales are nice to touch
and I find the sssss they do calming.

15 Kangaroos

I love Kangaroos and use them as my main animal. They do look kind of weird but I love them as they are. They are very rarely seen in AJ so that makes them better even though you can customize your animals to make them look different. I love all of their actions, too! And to me they actually look like the actual animal (in terms of their actual shape) but still in the cartoony AJ-style. Plus they have their own pet and game dedicated to them! But you can only get the game on your phone or something. And you need the game to get the pet :(

Wow, these are pretty high in the list! These guys are one of my main animals and one of the cutest in my opinion. I prefer them over Arctic wolves. Top hats are so fabulous on them and other items look great too ( especially the rare polka dot tuxedo ;3) I got one right when they came back!

I think kangaroos are awesome! I was so happy when I got mine! I put a Jamaaliday Bow on it and it looks so cute! I play as mine all the time now! (Though probably not as much as my main animals, my pig and polar bear.)
They are so underrated and Jammers need to give them more attention!

I use them to role play as a velociraptor.

16 Tigers

I love tigers so much in real life, I really do, I study them. But I think animal jam just took a great proud animal and made it look like a joke! Tigers look so much better in real life. I think animal jam should change the tigers a bit and make them look a bit more awesome, like tigers really are. I think they did the same thing with lions.

Someone in AJHQ decided to make the Tiger's legs look like a complete joke. And the back. And the tail. If they changed the legs, back, and tail I think everything would be fine. It would still be cartoony. I still love the tiger and I would definitely use it, along with the Pig, as my non-member animal. :) Pretty much all of the tigers I met were kind jammers but of course anyone else may have had a different experience.

Tigers are graceful and swift, and also one of the best animals there is out there in the real world. Animal Jam has brought the amazing tigers to us, and even though Animal Jam hasn't exactly made them the way they should be, they are still the amazing wild cats that live in the wild!

One thing I don't like is how small they made the tiger. In real life they're the biggest cat in the world I personally think that they should be at the top of the list. And I fell sorry for them because aj just messed them up. They are my favorite animal and great for clans. TIGERS RULE!

17 Seals

Come on, seals are cute and funny! Here are a few reasons why seals should be #1: 1. Seals are a land and ocean animal. 2. The play for seals are backflips. 3. Seals in real life are adorable same for animal jam too. 4. Seals are an option for non-members and members. Seals are one of my favorite animals. The only thing I don't get is why are regular wolves at the top? They look ugly in animal jam and they have their mouths open when they run. The only thing that they are popular for is for warrior cat clans. GO SEALS!

Seals should be #1 on the list, here are some reasons why: They look very cute and they're easy to dress, There's an amazing glitch making the seal look like it has superpowers, even in real life they're adorable, you can also bring them on land and in water. Forget silly wolves, seals are underused, which mean they are unique animals, while foxes, wolves and arctic wolves they are very easy to find around.

Seals are much better than wolves why are they on top?! Here are reasons why seals are better (in my opinion)
1. Seals are one of the few land and ocean animals, the only other one being the penguin. Wolves can't go underwater.
2. Seals don't hunt other jammers. On the other hand, wolves ruthlessly hunt other jammers, including innocent deer and poor bunnies.
3. Seals actually look better and more realistic than wolves. Wolves have this ginormous snout and nose.
4. Seals are better dancers.
5. Seals tend to act nicer and friendlier than wolves.

I think that seals are the best for quite a few reasons...
First of all, they go on land and underwater.
They're member and non-member.
Seals more realistic than other animals, like wolves, which have a bigger snout and are uglier than in the wild.
They don't pretend to kill other Jammers.
Seals have a cute dance, play, swirl, pose, sit... etc.
Seals are pretty darn cute!

18 Dolphins

I got a dolphin like two days ago, I love it. I think you should get a dolphin because they are water animals, and they are really pretty and adorable at the same time.

All I have to say is, why aren't dolphins like penguins! They should be able to go on land and water. I know it would but totally unrealistic, but too bad!

There my favorite underwater animals but there members I love them so cute plus I went to marineland and on T.V. the dolphins were like so nice to the people (daisy102)

These are adorable. It might be hard to find an ideal look, but they are one of the coolest water animals!

19 Turtles

I'm confused why nobody like's turtles...

"Because they're slow! "
"They're not cool! "
"Turtles are S000000 BORING! "

Turtles are fun in real life and as a pet, they look cute, their shell protects them from most predators (Born with armor! WOO! ), and some of them are big enough to actually sit on (no offense).

There's many other reasons why turtles are great, so hopefully someone else will have a kind word for them. If not, DON'T EVEN PUT A COMMENT HERE.

Turtles are great. They have a large heart and they are unique. Don't say turtles are ugly and BORING. They are wise animals and determined to reach a goal. Please, agree with me.

It's weird, that turtles can't even go to land, just watch a videos, few of the babies go to water, when it's grown up a lot, they could go at land too! It's confusing a lot...

I don't think turtles are that bad. I used to have one but now I have a seal which is good because it is a land animal and and a sea animal. Get a seal!

20 Lions

In my opinion, animal jam kinda messed up the lion. Lions are one my favorite animal and I have one in Animal Jam. But animal should have a female lion model. It weird because only male lions have mane. Not female. I don't know how they would do it but still. And they kinda look like they have a hunchback but its poking in. I mean, some of the items look cool on it. Like spikes and top hats look cool on it. But I never see people play as them. Its really sad because lions are really awesome animals. I wish they would look like Simba from the Lion King AUA. -Badcatt

I only think that lions need improve just rather has very long long jaws that looks more retarded. Sorry.

Lions are back. by the way, I love the play animation on it too. I just sometimes like the lion roars.

I like lions and pet cats and all cats.

21 Lynx A lynx is any of the four species within the Lynx genus of medium-sized wild cats, which includes the bobcat.

Well, I find out that lynxes are cool in real life, but in this game, it's looks bit cute and weird to same time. I find out, they look really good for role-playing as Warrior cats, and I don't know why this is for 10 diamonds too. They look little bit short and has incorrect colors, but I don't mind, they look too cute and so so, it's not cool as the Snow Leopards, but actually, they look like a Baby lynx.

It's RainbowAwesomeSwaggyCatz speaking lol! My account is sheppadepp16273. I love Lynx and Snow Leopards so much. I like domestic cats the best but lynxes are the BEST. Cute, looks really good with clothes and spikes look the best on them (WAY better than arctic wolves). But not as quite as good for warrior cat clans. Snow Leopards are the best animal jam cats for that. I love lynxes so much but my membership is going to soon be expired. I had 12 month membership. I'm afraid that I wanna keep all my member animals arctic wolf, snow leopard, lynx, deer, eagle, horse, fox and arctic fox. Dude, my favorite animal jam animal is fox! So just sharing my opinion...
-Your warrior cat nerd and animal jammer, Rainbow

I love lynxes, they are my main animal in play wild. In ajpw and aj,these fantastic animals are overshadowed by the snobby arctic wolf and the tacky fox. My top three favorite animals are the lynx (of course), otters ( they are just awesome), and the raccoon ( because they are clever animals and know more stuff than any other ordinary animal)

I don't care that nobody likes the lynxes! I LOVE them! They have such cute little paws and they run in the cutest way! I also love the way Jamaaliday Bows look on them! It's so cute!
Lynxes are the best!

22 Penguin

Love penguins
- Land and water
- Nonmember
- Penguins only party
- Cute
- Perfect
- Don't eat other animals
- Don't get eaten by other animals
- Clothes and stuff look nice on them.

PENGUINS ARE AWESOME! they are because..
#1 They can go to a penguins only party
#2 They are nice to all animals
#3 They can go underwater
#4 They are for non members
#5 You only!,000 gems for them
#6 They jump funny and they they squirt out bubbles when they play underwater
#7 They are so cute.
So say penguins are the best cause you won't regret it!

Penguins are adorable and wonderful, are accessible by everyone, and can go on land and water!
Plus, penguins are perfect. and amazing and wonderful and adorable.

In ajpw, I see a LOT of penguins, or at least I used to. I think they should be higher, because you can get it at the very beginning of aj, even if you are a nonmember, like me.

23 Dogs

I like animal Jam to add BOTH CATS and DOGS because like it's the common animals out there. Plus I love them both.

Isn't this the pet puppy or did they have dogs as the animals you can play with in the game back then? I didn't join AJ that time.

Dogs and Cats are both awesome!

Dogs on AJ include arctic wolfs and wolfs because they are related and sometimes have the same blood

24 Cats

All cats are amazing and popular. I love my cheetah because it looks great with gazelle horns. I love my snow leopard because of its awesome " play " move. I don't have a lion yet so I can't support it sadly. But the tiger is awesome because of its tiny back paws and HUGE front paws. From, FroggyFerb.

It's very fitting if Animal Jam releases a Modern Cat, it would be cool like other Non-Member animals, for 1000 Gems and perfect for the role-players playing with Warrior Cat stuff!

Remember, cats contain lions, tigers, and snow leopards. So if you like all of them or one or two don't look for it somewhere else look for it under cats.

I like snow leopards and cheetahs, they're awesome! But animal jam made tigers and lions look retarded, when in real life they look really cool.

25 Hyena Hyenas or hyaenas are any feliform carnivoran mammals of the family Hyaenidae /haɪˈɛnᵻdiː/. With only four extant species, it is the fifth-smallest biological family in the Carnivora, and one of the smallest in the class Mammalia.

In my opinion the cutest and most attractive (in cuteness obviously) animal in animal jam. Especially play wild. As I said In my other comment, ember bluestone is my main character in animal jam.

Hyenas should be way up on this list. The hyena are below dogs and cats.
Animal Jam doesn't even have dogs and cats (besides the pets).

My main animal is a white hyena with a black mane and black spots and blue eyes and she is called ember.

It's sad to see how far down the hyenas are, they are easily the best annimal. Coming in close behind would be of course, wolves, otters, and snow leopards

Wisteriamoon the Hottest Animal Jas Come to Animal Jam


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